Blue line illustrates going and red line illustrates the return route. Start from Montreal and back to Montreal. 3 months
I started out with a brand-new touring bike (just 90K mileage on it) in May from Montreal,Quebec. In another words I rode 90K as the pre-trip workout. Considering I grew up in the 'Kingdom of Bicyles'. (China claims #1 in terms of quantity of bikes in use.) Ridding a two wheel is been built in my gene. I knew I will be destroyed so why bother.(Lazy boy theory.:))
My destination was set on Magdalene Islands Quebec. So technically I will be doing tour de Quebec.
I crossed the St, Lawrence from Montreal to South Shore early morning in a crisp day, followed the Route de Verte to eastern township and did some sightseeing there. After covered major towns in east part I made a curve all the way back to Levis which is on the other side of St. Lawrence opposite to Quebec city. Made the crossing for a side trip to Quebec city for a couple of days. Then back to Levis keep on following the south shoreline of St, Lawrence river all the way to Gaspe. Circle around the Gaspe and still follow the edge of the water to New Brunswick.
There's no established biking trail in NB. So I was just following my instinct on the Highway a while and Provincial and local road the rest. It was not easy to lose the bearing because I was heading to PEI. That's out there on the SEA. ;) I reached the Confederation bridge roughly 30 days after I setout. Missed a couple of days in NB due to a storm. I was blown off the bike a couple of times, strong head wind. I stopped when I realized the bike was starting to ride on me. I was pushing it against the wind most of the day. That was not fun. A campground owner gave me a free shelter until the weather clears up. I fed myself at a canteen not far from the campground since the town is still 20k away. She (the canteen owner) got freaked out by the biker showed up twice a day on clock as well his appetite. That's for sure. Really a backwater place.
At Confederation bridge the management shipped me and my bike over on a pickup. (No pedestrian and bike allowed on the bridge.) I was quite happy to be back because this is the spot I met a Quebec girl cyclist 2 yr earlier, after heard her story that was part of the inspiration coming from for me to take my 1st biking trip ever. I was bit proud of myself. Made it that far.
PEI stays the same as the one I know. I took the highway all the way up to Charlottetown. The shoulder on the side is wide enough for 2 bikes. From Charlottetown I picked up confederation trial, the old railway was converted into hiking and biking route, to Suruis. [everything is confederation eh? :)] 5 hours ferry away I was standing on Mags Island.
(Story of Mags island deleted here.)
On my way back, I took the overnight ferry back to Gaspe, then mixed with bus ride and real riding and more ferry, finally made to the North shore of St. Lawrence after a week. This is the planned starting point of return trip. I rode 2 or 3 days as I can remember and it was a struggling from the beginning. The shoulder I usually ride on is not paved here and the gravel they used are consisted of small grains. I feel I was skiing a moment and dancing the other. The logging trucks passing by really started to pose a danger on my life. Since I want to ride on the main lane competing road with them due to the 'muddy' surface on the shoulder. If there's coming traffic the truck will push me back. Half my sweating that time went because I was too nervous observing the traffic.
I finally decided to call it a day after Tadusac not feeling anything extra. Stuff my bike into the compartment of the bus. I am going home.
mileage: 3200Km, Duration: 2 months, Average speed: 100Km per day. Best day 210Km. Best speed 77.4Km/H. Slowest 1.3Km/H.

Magdalene Islands Quebec

Entry Island in the fog, it is said around 100s Scots descendents live there, they came in 1800s. #@#@!?

Entry island again, Magdalene Islands

Sand Cliff, Magdalene Islands

Beach, Magdalene Islands

Scene looks like Scotland, Magdalene Islands




Backpackers and cyclist

Red soil, PEI

Pont du Quebec, Quebec city

Dandelion, PEI

New Brunswick

Our lobster dinner

Dining with friends in local restaurant, Mag Island. There's such a lay back and take it easy, enjoy life atmosphere wherever we go on the island. We hitch hike around when not on bike. People are so friendly and even the only French I know well is "J'ne comprend pas francaise.". "I don't understand French." :)

Bay du ha ha ??? What a name.

Mon velo

New Brunswick

Burthust, New Brunswick

House, Mag Island

Dock, Mag Island

Fishing boat, all the cases floating down there are full of lobsters.

lobster fishing boat

Orlean Island

Harvesting lobster, Mag Island

Here's a big one.

Park du Bic, Quebec

Miramichi national park

Park du Bic, Quebec

Park du Bic, Quebec

Migrating snow geese,Quebec

Beaver pond

Snow geese

Smoking herring

Perce, Quebec

Perce, Quebec

Bird island, (I forget the real name):)

Coastline, New Brunswick

Gaspé, Quebec

Gaspé, Quebec

Gaspé, Quebec

Gaspé, Quebec. This the section I got half a day strong tail wind, for what I can recall that I was flying down with average 40Km/h. It wrapped up with a 21mileagelage on the single day. It's the record I never made again on the whole trip.

Gaspé, Quebec

South shore of St. Lawrence River

Small fishing village, St. Lawrence River